

Hey,you guys ever wonder why they call it 你们有想过 为什么要叫感恩节吗?
Okay. Hey,Monica医药批发,you're doing Thanksgiving next week,right? 好航海王激战,摩妮卡
Because Carol's taking Ben to her parents' place in Florida. 卡萝要带班去佛州看她父母
Okay,okay. I'll make Thanksgiving dinner. 好好好,我来煮
You don't have to beg. 你不必求我
I didn't beg. I just asked once. 我没有求你,我只是问你
You could beg,you know. 求一下又不会死
Monica said I could make dessert this year. 摩妮卡说我今年可以做甜点
-You're gonna cook something? -Hey,I cook. 你要下厨? 我会下厨啊
Offering people gum is not cooking. 拿口香糖给别人不叫下厨
Are you sure Monica said you could cook this year? 摩妮卡真的是说今年吗?
I remember her saying in two years. You said in two years,right? 我记得她是说后年
o通信信息报,I promised her. 我已经答应她了
Are you sure you want to start out with something as big as Thanksgiving dinner?
你确定要一出手 就做感恩节甜点?
I mean,maybe you wanna try a little Thanksgiving breakfast? 要不要先做感恩节早餐?
Maybe a Thanksgiving snack? 或是感恩节零食?
Come on,you guysz风暴, I can do this. 别这样经典天才争霸战,我一定行
Remember,I made those peanut butter cookies. 我不是做过花生酱饼干?
What are you guys so worried about? Cooking is easy. 你们在担心什么 煮菜很简单
You just follow the recipe. 照食谱就对了
If it sayspositivo,如果食谱说“将两杯盐煮沸”
The One Where Ross Got High 本集播出:“感恩的季节”
rainystar压制iPod-MP4 本集播出:“感恩的季节”
Okay,great. Bye. 太好了,再见

Guess who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner? 你猜谁要来吃感恩节晚餐?
Sidney Poitier? 薜尼鲍迪? (曾主演“谁来晚餐”)
I miss Rachel. 我怀念瑞秋
My parents. 是我爸妈
Great, they haven't seen the place since I moved in. 太好了黄山房产,我搬进来之后 他们还没来过
If you could not mention that we live together, that'd be great. 对蓝思科技股票,要是你能不提同居的事
I was thinking we'd eat around 4. 我打算4点左右开动
Why can't I tell them we live together? 为什么不能提同居的事?
They don't know we're dating. Should we eat in the kitchen? 因为他们不知道我们在交往
Why haven't you told them? 你为什么没有告诉他们?
Well胡娉,I was going to. I really was. 我本来要说,真的
But then somewhere, just out of nowhere吴玉玲,I didn't. 但是后来不知怎的就没说了
Why not? Wouldn't they be happy? 你为什么没说? 他们不会开心吗?
So大龙,dinner in the kitchen around 4. I'll see you then. 4点左右厨房开动李恩西,到时候见
Why wouldn't they be happy? 他们为什么不会开心?
Well二手对讲机,because... 因为…
mainly... 主要是
they don't like you. 他们不喜欢你
-I'm sorry. -What? Why? Why? 对不起 什么?为什么?
Maybe because you used to be aloof... 也许是因为你以前很冷漠
or that you're sarcastic or that you joke around... 很尖酸刻薄烦恼歌,老爱开玩笑
or that you throw your clothes on the couch. 或许是因为你脱了衣服都乱丢
Is this why they don't like me or you don't like me? 这是他们的还是你的看法
I know I should have told them. I shouldn't care what they think. 我知道我应该告诉他们
I'm sorry. 对不起

It'll be okay because when they come over, I will be charming. 其实没关系,等他们来了
I will make them love me刀剑神域完结了吗, then we'll tell them. 我会让他们爱上我 然后我们再说
Will that work? 你真的觉得可行?
I can be pretty charming品牌电磁炉,babe. I won you over, didn't l? 我也可以很有魅力
I don't think you'll ever get my parents that drunk. 你应该不能把他们灌到那么醉
Hey. Oh, good江西红豆杉种子,Ross. Your parents like me, right? 太好了微软,罗斯 你爸妈喜欢我,对吧?
Yes小訫, of course they like you. 他们当然喜欢你
Monica told me they don't. 摩妮卡说他们不喜欢我
Yeah巴音郭楞,they don't like you. 对,他们不喜欢你
Do you know why? 你知道原因吗?
Maybe it's because you're sarcastic or maybe it's because you.. 也许是因为你很尖酸刻薄
If people don't know, they shouldn't just guess! 不知道就不要乱猜
Another Thanksgiving with nothing to give thanks for. 帅啊 又一个不值得感恩的感恩节
Maybe I give thanks for you shutting upnite,huh? 也许我可以感恩你闭嘴
Maybe I give thanks by taking my PlayStation to my place. 也许我可以感恩你把我的电动
Maybe I love you. 也许我爱你
Hey,guys. 你们好
o,I don't want to play video games56, Joey! 不要,我不想打电动
Are you guys going to Chandler's for Thanksgiving? 你们要去钱德家过感恩节吗?
Yeah,why? 对观唐云鼎,怎么了?
Me and my friends are doing Thanksgiving uptown. 我和几个舞者朋友想一起庆祝
I thought you might like to come. 我想说你们可能想去
For real? 真的去?
You should go to Chandler's. one of us can cook. 你们是该去钱德家 我们没有人会做菜




评论列表 共有 16 条评论

青岛婚介 9分钟前 回复TA

then we'll tell them. 我会让他们爱上我 然后我们再说 Will that work? 你真的觉得可行? I can be pretty charming品牌电磁炉

vod软件 24分钟前 回复TA

I can do this. 别这样经典天才争霸战

国金证券大智慧 6分钟前 回复TA

dinner in the kitchen around 4. I'll see you then. 4点左右厨房开动李恩西

开平电影 18分钟前 回复TA

老爱开玩笑 or that you throw your clothes on the couch. 或许是因为你脱了衣服都乱丢 Is this why they don't like me or you don't like me? 这是他们的还是你的看法 I know I should have told them. I shouldn't care what they think. 我知道我应该告诉他们 我不该在意他们 I'm sorry. 对不起 It'll be okay because when they come over

还房贷计算公式 7分钟前 回复TA

they don't like you. 对

金税三期 24分钟前 回复TA

等他们来了 我会表现得很迷人 I will make them love me刀剑神域完结了吗

网上房交会 15分钟前 回复TA

他们不喜欢你 Do you know why? 你知道原因吗? Maybe it's because you're sarcastic or maybe it's because you.. 也许是因为你很尖酸刻薄 或者是因为… If people don't know

mymoney 5分钟前 回复TA

我一定行 Remember

上海房产交易网 30分钟前 回复TA

罗斯 你爸妈喜欢我

磐安租房 24分钟前 回复TA

我一定行 Remember

北爱尔兰独立 14分钟前 回复TA

再见 Guess who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner? 你猜谁要来吃感恩节晚餐? Sidney Poitier? 薜尼鲍迪? (曾主演“谁来晚餐”) I miss Rachel. 我怀念瑞秋 My parents. 是我爸妈 Great

安全事故调查报告 22分钟前 回复TA

他们不喜欢你 Do you know why? 你知道原因吗? Maybe it's because you're sarcastic or maybe it's because you.. 也许是因为你很尖酸刻薄 或者是因为… If people don't know

蔓越莓胶囊 2分钟前 回复TA

babe. I won you over

12378是什么电话 17分钟前 回复TA

just out of nowhere吴玉玲

微信出问题 28分钟前 回复TA



